Author: pleb

Home Canning 101

779576 Homesteading can be a great way to bring nature into your life and gain a deeper understanding of where your food comes from. Starting a garden or raising animals for milk, eggs, or meat can be an incredibly rewarding experience. You don’t have to move onto a farm to homestead either; anyone with access […]

Displace Energy Costs by Utilizing Alternative Energy Sources on the Homestead

Displace Energy Costs 778788 Bitcoin mining is a process used to generate digital currency, and it has been receiving growing attention from the agricultural industry. The abundant heat generated from Bitcoin mining could make it an efficient and low-cost source for heating greenhouses. This type of system could enable more effective vegetable production with higher […]


Permaculture On Your Homestead 778649 Permaculture is a sustainable way to design and manage landscapes, crops, and other living things. It seeks to restore balance and resilience in natural systems by mimicking the relationships that exist in nature. Permaculture principles can be applied to any environment, from urban backyards to rural farms. Here are some […]

Backyard Chickens

Backyard Chickens: The Complete Guide to Raising and Caring for Your Flock 778502 Chickens have become a popular addition to any backyard. They provide eggs, can be trained to follow commands, and make great pets. But raising chickens is not as simple as it may seem! In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to […]